AIOps in performance management: CA DX APM

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As IT infrastructures go beyond enterprises’ boundaries today, it is getting more challenging to control business applications that assume critical tasks. Today, managing the performance of business applications running on cloud environments and distributed application architectures outside of the enterprise requires excellent competence. Users, on the other hand, want to use applications everywhere, with high performance and trouble-free.

Meanwhile, applications produce large volumes of data, and the added value provided by this data can turn into essential insights. However, the diversity of application architectures and platforms often makes it difficult for the data produced by applications to be ‘visible’ as a whole.

That’s why professionals and operations teams need more competence and advanced technology tools to manage applications today than ever before.

Business application performance management (APM) solutions address the clutter in increasingly complex IT infrastructures fully. Composed of a harmonious combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies, AIOps segment APM solutions seem to have come a long way in this regard.

AI-powered APM solutions fill the gaps between platforms and architectures by correlating and analyzing data between users, applications, infrastructure, and network services. APM solutions, which reach a holistic picture of the applications, can monitor application-related data from a single-center and at any level of detail.

In a study conducted for the 2018-2021 period, Gartner emphasizes that with the increase in digitalized business processes, APM’s use will increase fourfold. By 2021, IT departments will monitor 20 percent of all business applications with APM solutions.

Twenty years of experience

IT professionals met the CA APM technology named Willy twenty years ago. CA DX has evolved over many years as its leading application performance manager with AIOps (AI-powered operations) technology. Today, DX APM can manage today’s most complex applications with its advanced KPIs.

DX APM, which is among the AIOps solutions supported by machine learning (ML) and advanced data analytics, offers professional managers the opportunity to make faster decisions about their applications’ fate. With its advanced technology, DX APM plays a proactive role in preventing many problems in the enterprise’s application ocean.

Users who try to connect to their companies from anywhere and with any device should not notice the applications’ difficulties. DX AP enables employees who use the same business application on different platforms to continue their work without interruption and problems.

Your business practices are your company’s reputation

Business applications are not only used by company employees, today. Those in the supply chain, other company stakeholders who must access from outside, customers on the internet and mobile platforms, connections with B2B platforms, each one of them increases the importance of the applications.

Business applications, in this sense, remain the interface and reputation of the company. It only takes a few seconds for a user to decide to use a brand’s app. Especially in the e-commerce and finance sectors, the application quality is directly related to the customer experience.

The real challenge is to get users to adopt the app. The situation is the same for the company employee, in other words, for the customer inside. Often employee inefficiencies are caused by non-adoption and complex applications.

Perfect application performance is the key to a seamless end-user experience.

Keeping application performance high

There are some difficulties in achieving targeted performance in applications.

For example, the speed and complexity required for deploying applications in today’s fragmented infrastructures are only possible with application performance management tools that support new application architectures. Because you want to manage your applications on the company’s central servers and servers kept on the internet, in other words, in physical and virtual environments with the same performance and success.

Data wealth is another dilemma. Billions of metrics that emerge with network and application traffic become understandable only if you can visualize this data. For this, you have to analyze the metrics in question with enhanced analytics and define the relevant variables.

Understanding the real performance of business applications requires an advanced search of mobile access and digital user data.

Life is more comfortable with DX APM

Developed by CA Technologies, DX APM stands out as a solution that successfully analyzes today’s complex reality with many years of experience. With DX APM, your applications have many benefits:

DX APM users who want to gain insight into the application’s digital experience can have a 360-degree view by examining the application usage, performance, and user experience from the real user perspective or different perspectives.

DX APM monitors discover and map the application’s dependencies with the back-end infrastructure in the context of application performance or user experience. It reveals a complete view of the current situation with metric comparisons, crash reports, code level insights, and various measurements in physical and application layers.

Monitoring modern application architectures is among the tasks of DX APM. DX APM is designed to discover, control, and monitor various microservice-based clusters, projects, services, pods, and containers that support infrastructure or cloud services or hosted applications. DX APM, which provides in-depth insights into this dynamically changing environment, has an ideal design in this manner.

DX strengthens collaboration between APM application development teams. Application development teams trying to improve the performance of the software used in the life cycle can gain numerous benefits from DX APM. DX has strong integration with APM, Runscope, BlazeMeter, and Jenkins. This advantage positively affects the productivity of the teams responsible for application development and operations.

Supported by artificial intelligence and advanced analytics, DX APM increases operational efficiency. It provides insights for the operation teams to prioritize and simplify their tasks such as anomaly detection, alarm grouping and suppression, and problem diagnosis at the application and infrastructure level.

DX APM’s open and scalable architecture provides end-to-end application performance management across the enterprise. Cloud service providers, manageable service providers, or large enterprises have the chance to increase the user experience and optimize resource efficiency with the advantages of DX APM.

In a study conducted several years ago, Gartner, an IT industry research organization, calculated the cost return (ROI) of CA Technologies’ application performance management tools as high as 316 percent for as little as three months. (The Total Economic Impact Of CA Technologies Application Performance Management, 2017)

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